Okay first of all I want to say I have been moved to write a blog for years now, but God finally had to go from gently pushing to full force shoving! So here I am, starting a blog. This blog is going to be full of inspiration, faith seeking but honestly mostly my ramblings. ;) I couldn't help it, but hey at least I warned you right?
As a homeschooling mom, I work from home by having my own Avon business. I love the products, but between that, homeschooling and just my every day life there is NO way I can blog every day so I am committing myself to posting once a week at the most. See now you can breath easier I won't be "rambling" every day, only weekly..hehe.
I know everyone who hears I am a homeschooling mom first gasps for air, then wonders why I did it. Well to tell you the truth I had the urge to home school since I was pregnant with our first child (Jeremy, now 7) however my husband is a big time athlete and the homeschooling idea did not "fly" with him so to speak. So what is a woman to do? I thought about kicking and screaming my way through it (hey don't judge it works for some people), thought of going on strike-after all 3 months with no cooking or cleaning sounded good right? Instead I got on my knees and...prayed! (geez what else did you think I was going to say?- scrubbed the floor? not since my grandma has that been done..hehe) and it took a lot of prayer and patience. God had to move my husband's heart BEFORE I could act on His conviction of our children's education and future.
It has none the less been a journey, we love it and there is no way we will stop homeschooling now. We have seen improved relationships, a closeness we once did not have plus the academic side of it is phenomenal. Mostly, though we did it for God. We wanted Him to be a BIG part of our children's life and unfortunately in the previous school they were in that was not really what was happening. We did not want to turn our kids over to people that were not 100% committed to their well being, so here we are. Our second year in this journey, sometimes is tough but at all times is WORTH it!!
As for working from home, well I love helping my husband and unlike the woman of Proverbs 31 I have NO idea how to garden, sew or any of her wonderful skills. So selling Avon worked for me lol. Don't panic I don't starve my family, thank God for grocery stores!! They are not naked-most of the time. JC Penny anyone?? I love learning and someday (probably when I have grand kids hehe) i will learn those skills, but for now I am working on a revamping of Proverbs 31.
How about you?