This year my main goal is to STAY organized and to fully integrate our faith in all of our homeschool. We live our faith as best as we can remembering always, that we are meant to live our lives as a reflection of Christ. We love Him and strive to this end, but in all honesty many times we fail. This year I wanted to pay special attention to the character traits that we are developing. I feel like sometimes we lack gratefulness. So each day before we begin our day we say the Daily Offering and name several people and things we are thankful for, including our trials and suffering because they too help us grow in Christ.
This year I wanted to do something special for their first day of school and so my husband dropped me of at the Dollar Tree and for $15 I was able to make them goodie bags for their first day of school. Nothing fancy just little things they like. Bubbles, a special toy, unique for each child, and a special book likewise and many little small things like a Lego pencil sharpener, fancy colored pencils, playing cards (Bible themed, no less!) and little things to sweeten their day, we put them in little yellow bags. The look of joy they had was priceless!
I look forward to doing this many more years! Through the tough, rough, crazy and at the same time love filled, joy infused and heartwarming, sanctifying days of homeschool.
How about you homeschool moms? How's the beginning of your year looking?
Your school space looks so nice and ready for the year! And I love the goody bag idea. We are officially starting next week but have been slowly transitioning. I have two high schoolers in the mix this year and that is a bit more challenging than I bargained for! Once I get them working independently, I am eager to work with my littles. God bless your year!